What Doesn’t Kill You Can Make You Stronger

It’s time to get out of your own way and let yourself grow.  A friend of mine asked me yesterday to pick a spot in the world as my dream vacation.  I told him I don’t have one, the perk of having parents from two different countries, growing up a military brat, and serving in the Army gave me no need to have any wishes of traveling around the world.  All people are the same to me, the only difference I have noticed is that some people think inside the box and some people think outside the box.  What interests do I have?  My interests narrow down to God and the human body.
Religion and Fitness are linked to me; I can easily find a parable in the bible and connect it to a body scenario.  If you understand the history behind Christianity, you will understand that the scriptures that were written years ago are old age psychology books.  Most of the stories are based on the thought of ‘what doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger.’
When my ex-husband hurt me in the worst way possible it damaged me.  I still remember riding in the car with my cousin and I complained to him about how bad I was hurt and I couldn’t understand why my ex did what he did.  My cousin said to me, “Look Baby Girl, even Jesus said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”  This comment changed my life forever.  I combined God and exercise to help me get over what my ex did to me.  It’s been three years and I’m still not 100% over it.  The funniest thing is that I should be happy for what happened because he saved my life.
Most of the time what triggers a change in somebody’s life is a dramatic experience.  In church they have a saying, “It’s not about you.” Bad things happen to help you grow as a person, they also happen so you can help other people.  I was in a horrible marriage but I wasn’t leaving.  It took an act of God to get me out of that marriage.   When I got out I found that I wasn’t the only one.
I’m not the only one that has ever been hurt and there are other people in this world who have been through worse than I have.  The best part about getting through it is recovery.  Once you have hit recovery you understand why it happened and what was the purpose behind it.

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