Finding Your Niche through Value

Finding your niche through value.  Everything in life boils down to our core values.  They are everything we believe a human being should follow; everything that makes up our personality; everything that entitles our own self-respect.  I’m still trying to figure out this world of Personal Training; there is an equation behind the formula that I just don’t have down yet.  I still haven’t found my niche because when I think of the term, my mind thinks “find something that will differentiate you from the competition.” This thought process is messing me up because this business should be put together by the Trainer’s core value.  I’ve come to realize I like one-on-one training because it gives me the satisfaction of knowing that I’m giving my loyalty to somebody who needs me.  I like giving group classes because it stimulates me knowing that this is the moment where I can share my passion with other people.  My cement foundation mixes with an equation: God + Self-Respect= Self-Worth.  There is my core value that will naturally give me my niche.  Maybe there is no separate equation to Personal Training.

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