Some People Know and Some Don’t

Somebody commented to me, “your comments are long.” I responded “Because I have too much to say.” That’s because I realized something.  There are two types of people in this world, the people that know and the people that don’t know.  Why is this important?  The people that know are the people who become masters at one subject and hold that control apart from people who don’t know.  The more technology that is introduced to this world the more people forget how to think.  The human brain is a muscle.  I didn’t believe in evolution until I started studying anatomy. Today Doctors are discovering that mass numbers of people are born without muscle that the human population has naturally stopped using.  This may be silly but I do believe that the human population will go through another major evolution where certain parts of the brain will die because people don’t use them anymore.   The next time you ask a professional a question, absorb their response. Check to see if they are rolling their eyes, if their eye brow twitches. Listen to hear a gasp in their voice, of if they pause for a second or two before answering the question without their eyes rolling to the left or to the right.   Watch out for the ones who crack a vicious smile. Once a person masters a subject they all have that one question they are asked by people who don’t know. It’s the one question they can’t believe people are asking because the information isn’t hidden.  Sometimes it is fun to have a psychic or psychologist major analyze you because they study human behavior but your own knowledge is very important.  Knowledge is meant to be shared- you give me and I give you. 

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