
Monthly Archives: September 2012

Somebody commented to me, “your comments are long.” I responded “Because I have too much to say.” That’s because I realized something.  There are two types of people in this world, the people that know and the people that don’t know.  Why is this important?  The people that know are the people who become masters at one subject and hold that control apart from people who don’t know.  The more technology that is introduced to this world the more people forget how to think.  The human brain is a muscle.  I didn’t believe in evolution until I started studying anatomy. Today Doctors are discovering that mass numbers of people are born without muscle that the human population has naturally stopped using.  This may be silly but I do believe that the human population will go through another major evolution where certain parts of the brain will die because people don’t use them anymore.   The next time you ask a professional a question, absorb their response. Check to see if they are rolling their eyes, if their eye brow twitches. Listen to hear a gasp in their voice, of if they pause for a second or two before answering the question without their eyes rolling to the left or to the right.   Watch out for the ones who crack a vicious smile. Once a person masters a subject they all have that one question they are asked by people who don’t know. It’s the one question they can’t believe people are asking because the information isn’t hidden.  Sometimes it is fun to have a psychic or psychologist major analyze you because they study human behavior but your own knowledge is very important.  Knowledge is meant to be shared- you give me and I give you. 

Analytical versus Creativity.  “Nature hides her secret because of her essential loftiness, but not by means of ruse.” Albert Einstein.  We live in a world where everything is black, white, or sometimes grey.  This is a 3D world where most people are afraid to think outside the box.  Every so often we are fortunate to have color spit in because some people understand that this is a 4D world.  Growing up I never believed in Santa Claus because my mother was honest, so I never experienced the hurt of knowing that Santa Claus wasn’t real.  The pain I did experience was when I discovered that I had no freedom.  I was in the 4th grade and we were learning about the German school system.  Through testing the system weeded out the high scoring students versus the low scoring students.  I thought that was silly and unfair to the creative kids.  I am still annoyed by schools because everything is so boxed.  I think this confuses people.  Schools are designed to only be the foundation of your learning- a person is supposed to grab what they can from both their good and bad teachers and twist it with their own personality.  Everything in this world is theory, nobody should ever be told “it’s my way or it’s wrong.” I only like math when I have to use it with everyday life because I have a creative purpose for the formula.  Everybody says that math is always correct- than why do people miscalculate? Why do we have math problems that are solved with a never ending number?  Success can be found inside the analytical, the creative, or by both.  One isn’t better than the other, but I do want to say that all material that analytical thinkers base fact from was written by original thinkers who thought outside the box.  You have to be a creative thinker to receive an invite outside the box.

Finding your niche through value.  Everything in life boils down to our core values.  They are everything we believe a human being should follow; everything that makes up our personality; everything that entitles our own self-respect.  I’m still trying to figure out this world of Personal Training; there is an equation behind the formula that I just don’t have down yet.  I still haven’t found my niche because when I think of the term, my mind thinks “find something that will differentiate you from the competition.” This thought process is messing me up because this business should be put together by the Trainer’s core value.  I’ve come to realize I like one-on-one training because it gives me the satisfaction of knowing that I’m giving my loyalty to somebody who needs me.  I like giving group classes because it stimulates me knowing that this is the moment where I can share my passion with other people.  My cement foundation mixes with an equation: God + Self-Respect= Self-Worth.  There is my core value that will naturally give me my niche.  Maybe there is no separate equation to Personal Training.

It’s time to get out of your own way and let yourself grow.  A friend of mine asked me yesterday to pick a spot in the world as my dream vacation.  I told him I don’t have one, the perk of having parents from two different countries, growing up a military brat, and serving in the Army gave me no need to have any wishes of traveling around the world.  All people are the same to me, the only difference I have noticed is that some people think inside the box and some people think outside the box.  What interests do I have?  My interests narrow down to God and the human body.
Religion and Fitness are linked to me; I can easily find a parable in the bible and connect it to a body scenario.  If you understand the history behind Christianity, you will understand that the scriptures that were written years ago are old age psychology books.  Most of the stories are based on the thought of ‘what doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger.’
When my ex-husband hurt me in the worst way possible it damaged me.  I still remember riding in the car with my cousin and I complained to him about how bad I was hurt and I couldn’t understand why my ex did what he did.  My cousin said to me, “Look Baby Girl, even Jesus said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”  This comment changed my life forever.  I combined God and exercise to help me get over what my ex did to me.  It’s been three years and I’m still not 100% over it.  The funniest thing is that I should be happy for what happened because he saved my life.
Most of the time what triggers a change in somebody’s life is a dramatic experience.  In church they have a saying, “It’s not about you.” Bad things happen to help you grow as a person, they also happen so you can help other people.  I was in a horrible marriage but I wasn’t leaving.  It took an act of God to get me out of that marriage.   When I got out I found that I wasn’t the only one.
I’m not the only one that has ever been hurt and there are other people in this world who have been through worse than I have.  The best part about getting through it is recovery.  Once you have hit recovery you understand why it happened and what was the purpose behind it.

This will never change in our society; we like to blame others for our problem.  I don’t like blaming an individual for their health issue because there are too many negative influences surrounding them.  Ron Williams gave a lecture at PFI, in his lecture he said that the biggest misconception people have of overweight people is that they are lazy when in fact they are the most devoted to fitness because they are more likely to stick and follow fad diets.  If anyone has every followed a fad diet you know that those are hard to stay committed to.  Odd thing about me is that I used to be a member of a “Hollywood type” cult.  I was sucked into a religion of outrageous belief because they drained my time and narrowed my focus down to one purpose.  This was by far my greatest life experience I ever had because I learned something important- all businesses in this country are ran like religious cults.  We don’t have an overweight problem in this country; people are just plain out of shape.  I don’t think skinny Mary has a right to say something about obese Jerry when her posture is all out of wack and her blood pressure is on the verge of hitting a new high.
How many work places actually follow ergonomics?  Most people are unhealthy because of where they work.  They are stuck in a small, unhappy, space for 40 or more hours a week, focused on a narrow minded repetitive task.  Like members of a religious cult, people in the work place become zombies and they are damaging their bodies.   People who are forced to do things to survive for a long time span subconsciously turn thinking off and rely on comfort and a one set mind “brain help me get through this torture.” People are not realizing that they are risking their good health to get through the day.  No human being was designed to sit in a chair for eight hours straight- so people sacrifice posture to get through the day.  Many people forget to plan ahead for snacks, so people sacrifice needed nutrition for wasted junk.
My point is, I really believe America’s fitness problem is due to the work place.  If businesses got with it and added more color, focused on ergonomics, and treated people like humans instead of machines- two things would happen- a job that sucks can become a cool job and the population wouldn’t have so many people in debt due to hospital bills.

I often find disappointment in my journey.  I’ve been asked this question several times, “What are you looking for?” I have never been able to give an answer because I never really understood what I was looking for.  Not until today.  Some people call it the “awakening” I don’t really have a name for it because I don’t understand it.  What I do understand is that it leads you as you begin to understand your purpose.  I’m working as an extern at a site owned by an unusual man; unusual isn’t a bad description it is a good one.  He sat his employee and me down to watch a video The Golden Circle, by Simon Sinek.  The main question is “Why?” Why am I doing what I’m doing? I had a sat down with my program supervisor today from school and she broke it down for me.  She didn’t know she was doing this, but she seriously broke the why down.  I want freedom.  Everything I do in life has one distinct purpose, “I want my freedom.” 

    A friend of mine asked me once, “Do you judge people who are out of shape as being lazy?” I told him, “If I judged people based on their appearance then I don’t need to be a personal trainer.”  Everybody has a story and I have been there before.  

    It hurts when people judge you based on outer appearance.  I’ve been judged for many different reasons in my past and even today I am hit with many negative stereotyping.  At the same time, I’m also guilty of judging people based on their demeanor.  When I do something I’m not supposed to, I always ask that God corrects me and he does.  During my trip in Vegas there was one person I judged to myself.  I wouldn’t allow myself to walk past their character and even ask a simple question about them.  On our last day, PFI assigned each student to give a 5-10 minute presentation about what they have taken from Personal Training.  This character had the floor and this person gave their story.  I felt like a thousand dangers stabbed me through the heart.  Everybody has a story and life molds us to become who we are.  Some of us fight through it and change and some of us accept it and become what society wants us to become.  This person was a fighter and everything I thought this person was everything they weren’t.  

    My lesson from God was, “If you are here to help people why are you judging what I created.”  

When somebody approaches me to help them, the first thing I should see is what’s going on beneath the skin.  There is no such thing as lazy but there is such a thing as depression, loneliness, stress, food addiction, no free time, and lack of knowledge.