Analytical versus Creativity

Analytical versus Creativity.  “Nature hides her secret because of her essential loftiness, but not by means of ruse.” Albert Einstein.  We live in a world where everything is black, white, or sometimes grey.  This is a 3D world where most people are afraid to think outside the box.  Every so often we are fortunate to have color spit in because some people understand that this is a 4D world.  Growing up I never believed in Santa Claus because my mother was honest, so I never experienced the hurt of knowing that Santa Claus wasn’t real.  The pain I did experience was when I discovered that I had no freedom.  I was in the 4th grade and we were learning about the German school system.  Through testing the system weeded out the high scoring students versus the low scoring students.  I thought that was silly and unfair to the creative kids.  I am still annoyed by schools because everything is so boxed.  I think this confuses people.  Schools are designed to only be the foundation of your learning- a person is supposed to grab what they can from both their good and bad teachers and twist it with their own personality.  Everything in this world is theory, nobody should ever be told “it’s my way or it’s wrong.” I only like math when I have to use it with everyday life because I have a creative purpose for the formula.  Everybody says that math is always correct- than why do people miscalculate? Why do we have math problems that are solved with a never ending number?  Success can be found inside the analytical, the creative, or by both.  One isn’t better than the other, but I do want to say that all material that analytical thinkers base fact from was written by original thinkers who thought outside the box.  You have to be a creative thinker to receive an invite outside the box.

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